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You will find hatches of Tricos in the morning and then terrestrials in the afternoon on the Big Hole. We have had fantastic hatches of Tricos with some large brown trout podding up and sipping dries in the morning. The spruce moth hatch is done but you will find flying ants and some hoppers in the afternoons. Streamers in the shallow riffles have been producing nice fish. We have also been doing well with a small dropper off the back of the streamer. #16 Psycho Mayflies, #16 Little Spankers and #16 Micro Mayflies have been good dropper nymphs. We have been floating the river with clients in the Jerry Creek Section and the Maiden Rock section of the Big Hole. The wade fisherman have easy access to the river due to the lower flows right now. Hopper activity has been good in the Glen to Notch section of the Big Hole. Water temperatures are back in the safe zone on the Big Hole due to cooler night / day time temperatures.
All Hatch Reels are 25% off We have 4Plus Finatics $329.95 and 5Plus Finatics $374.95 in stock. Call 406-835-3474 or email to order. 25% off Winston Nexus 4 piece fly rods. We have 5 weights and 6 weights in Stock. $359.75
Recommended Flies: #18 comparadun trico; #18 trico spinner #12 Chubby Chernobyl tan/orange/Gold/Purple #18 Purple Haze; #10 Pat’s Stone Brown/Black; #12 Pheasant Tail; #16 Pearl Lightning Bug; #16 Red Copper John;#16 Psycho Mayfly Olive; #14 Caddis Pupa; #6 J.J. Special; #4 Smokin’ Mirrors; #4Mr. Creepo #4 McCunnes Sculpin; #4 Mini Loop Sculpin