Big Hole River Salmonfly Waiting Game

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Conditions are perfect for the Salmonflies to pop but we have not seen any of the big bugs yet.  We are looking every morning before we open the shop at the bridges and willows to see if we spot any Salmonfly shucks.  The river is dropping and the clarity is about 3 feet with the perfect tea color tint that the Big Hole carries this time of year.  We have been doing very well on the lower Big Hole with Salmonfly nymphs…hmmm that means they should hatch any day now.  Get ready to race over here because the hatch is almost ready to pop.  We will keep you up to date once we spot some Salmonflies.  The entire Big Hole has been fishing very well on streamers and nymphs with the occasional big fish eating the dry fly.  It should be a great Big Hole River Salmonfly hatch this year.

Flies: #10 Purple Haze  #8 Chubby Chernobyl black/gold#10 Rocky Mountain Mint, #8 San Juan Worm; #4 Pat’s Stone orange/brown: #8 RL Stone; #6 J.J. Special #4 Coffey Bugger; #4 Bad Boy #4 Yellow Zonker


Salmonfly Hatch is Coming Soon

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As one of the best springs we have ever seen came to an end, we were hopeful that the trend of great fishing would continue into June.  After less than a week into the month, I think that it is safe to say that June is picking up right where May left off.  The upper Big Hole is still fishing extremely well.  A San Juan Worm dropped below a stonefly dry fly has been our most successful combination.

The lower Big Hole has dropped quite a bit, and it too is fishing well.  Stonefly Nymphs, San Juan Worms, and Yellow Streamers have been the most successful flies below Divide this week.

The Salmonfly Hatch should be just around the corner.  We haven’t seen any Adults crawling yet, but it could start any day now.  As soon as it starts, we will let you know.

If you are concerned about not having enough Salmonfly patterns in your box, don’t worry.  We have more than 30 different Salmonfly Patterns in stock here at the Sunrise Fly Shop.

Below are a few fish that were caught in the first 5 days of June.



What an amazing Spring

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As May comes to a close, we just wanted to take a look back at some of the fish that were caught in the last 6 weeks.  By no means is this all of the big fish that were landed, but it is a nice representation of the kind of Spring we have had on the Big Hole.  To all of you who fished with us this Spring – Thank You.  To all of you that thought about it, but didn’t make it out for a guided trip this Spring – You can book your Spring 2015 trip NOW!

For those of you looking for an actual fishing report – The Big Hole is still fishing very well up high, but now it looks like the middle and lower sections of the river are fishable again.  The flow is down below 7000cfs in Melrose, the water temps are in the mid 50’s, and the river is still dropping.  With cloudy weather in the forecast for the next several days, the streamer fishing in the canyon and the lower river should be good.

The River is still running extremely high and floating the river at these flows can be extremely dangerous.  If you choose to float the Big Hole, Please float with extreme caution.


The Big Hole is on the drop river wide.

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The Big Hole is on the drop river wide.  It is amazing how this river comes into fishing shape quickly.  We have 2 feet of visibility on the upper river and about 18 inches of visibility here in Melrose.  I think it will flat out fish today.  We will be heading to the upper Big Hole to get above the large volume of water.  Streamers and worms will be the ticket today for the big boys.  We will let you know how it goes. Caddis are as far up as Glen right now.

Flies: #12 Elk Hair Caddis #12 CDC Caddis #10 Purple Haze #10 Rocky Mountain Mint #8 Mr. Beam; #10 Bullet Head Skwala; #8 Rogue River Skwala  #8 San Juan Worm; #10 Pat’s Stone Olive/Brown: #8 RL Stone; #6 J.J. Special #4 Coffey Bugger; #4 Bad Boy #4 Yellow Zonker


The Spring Rollercoaster Continues

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As we enter another pattern of colder and wetter weather, the Big Hole River is again on the drop and river temperatures are creeping back down into the low 40’s.  The fish have still been very active chasing streamers, but with water temps dropping we might see slower fishing in the mornings.  The forecasted high for the next 5 days ranges from 45 to 55 degrees, which should be sufficient to keep the river warm enough to continue the phenomenal streamer fishing we have been seeing.  The benefit of the cold and wet weather system that we are going to see this weekend is that it will bring with it overcast skies, which will also help continue good streamer fishing.

Below are a couple photos from Lou’s guided trip on Tuesday.


Here We Go Again

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After hitting 70 degrees in Melrose yesterday, the Big Hole is on the rise again.  It looks like the weather is going to cool off again on Sunday, but for right now we are going to have to deal with another push of water.  As soon as our guides get back to the shop this afternoon, we will update this report with a more detailed fishing report.

*UPDATE* 6:30 pm

The river has lost a fair amount of visibility.  In Melrose, the clarity is down to about 18 inches.  The river above the Wise River has 24 to 30 inches, and from the reports we are hearing the upper river fished much better than the lower and middle sections of the river.  A Red San Juan Worm and a Large Black Pats Rubber Leg were the best flies today.


S T R E A M E R S !

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The streamer fishing continues to impress all of us.  Even with the bright sunny skies that we have been having, the trout are still eating streamers.  We are still getting fish on San Juan Worms, Chubby Chernobyls, and Pats Rubber Legs, but almost all of the big fish that have been landed in the last couple days have been on streamers.  Warmer weather is forecasted for the next couple days, but then it looks like we are going to return to cooler temperatures with scattered precipitation. 

Below is a nice Brown that was landed yesterday between Fishtrap and East Bank.


Streamer Season

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The colder weather over the past several days has brought the flows on the Big Hole River down to around 2500cfs and increased the visibility to more than two feet.  This lowering of flows and improvement of the clarity has made for some great spring fishing.  Even though we still haven’t really seen much sign of the Skwallas, the streamer fishing has been really good.  As usual for the Big Hole, yellow has been the hot streamer color, and slow stripping has been the most successful technique.  Below are three  nice fish that one of our clients caught this past weekend.


On The Drop Again

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After an intense rain storm on Tuesday, the Big Hole River is back on the drop.  The flow has dropped back down to 2600cfs, and the visibility is increased to around 2 feet.  The great streamer fishing that we had been seeing on the upper river should come back as quickly as the river is dropping.  Yellow streamers thrown tight to the bank has produced quite a few fish over 20 inches in the last week.  Most of the anglers have been floating from East Bank to Jerry Creek, but fish are being caught from as high as Fishtrap and as low as Notch.  Cooler weather this weekend should keep the river on the drop and keep the fishing good.


Streamer Bite

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We have started the spring-time roller coaster on the Big Hole.  Fishing has picked up for us and we are starting to see some nice fish caught again.  We had a good report below Melrose yesterday and I think it will fish well today.  Clarity is around 2 feet today.  We had two boats up river yesterday and they both did well on streamers.  If you are a streamer junky, now is the time to get out there.  We have been doing well with a moderate to slow strip from the banks.

Flies: #8 Mr. Beam; #10 Bullet Head Skwala; #8 Rogue River Skwala  #8 San Juan Worm; #10 Pat’s Stone Olive/Brown: #8 RL Stone; #18 Zebra Midge; #6 J.J. Special #4 Coffey Bugger; #4 Bad Boy #4 Yellow Zonker
