The upper Beaverhead is is still holding strong with good fishing. We have been doing the best from the dam down to Pipe Organ Bridge. Flows out of Clark Canyon Reservoir are currently up to 804 cfs. Wade fishing spots are tough right now but drift boat fishing is ideal at these flows. The river clarity is a bit off right now but that can be a day to day affair from outflows out of Clark Canyon Reservoir. We have had some PMD dry fly fishing the morning in the slick. Nymphing has been consistent in the upper Beaverhead. We have done well with various PMD Nymphs.
Fly Recommendations:
- Hunchback Infrequence PMD #18
- Split Back PMD #18
- Barr’s Emerger #18
- Tungsten Sunkist #18
- Bubble Back PMD #18
- Micro Mayfly #16
- Comparadun PMD #18
- Split Wing PMD #18
Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction from the mouth of the river (Near twin Bridges to Selway Park in Dillon
From the mouth to Selway Park FAS at Dillon
The hoot-owl fishing restriction, which prohibits fishing each day between 2 p.m. and midnight, will go into effect at 2:00 p.m. Friday, July 29 for the Beaverhead River from the mouth to Selway Park FAS at Dillon. Maximum daily water temperatures on the Beaverhead River at USGS gauge 06023100 Beaverhead River near Twin Bridges exceeded 73 degrees for three consecutive days, satisfying angling restriction and fishing closure criteria. This restriction will remain in effect until lifted by FWP administrative action in consultation with the Big Hole Watershed Committee, or until September 15.