Summer fishing is coming to an end and fall fishing is nearing.

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Summer fishing is coming to an end and fall fishing is nearing. You will still find some Tricos hatching in the morning but they are starting to fade away. The fall Blue Winged Olives and Mahogany Duns have been seen recently. Look for these hatches to improve as fall weather nears. We are still in need of some moisture to boost our river flows. We have been floating the Jerry Creek stretch, Maiden Rock and below Melrose sections of the Big Hole. The streamer fishing has picked up and we should continue to see the fish looking to chase streamers as we move into fall conditions. Our client caught this trout on the Big Hole this past week.


25% off Winston Nexus 4 piece fly rods. We have 5 weights in Stock. $359.75
Also, 20% off Simms Freestone Boots, and Rivertek BOA Boots

Call 406-835-3474 or email us to order.



Recommended Flies:#16 high vis Baetis; #18 comparadun trico; #18 trico spinner;  #12 Chubby Chernobyl tan/orange/Gold/Purple #18 Purple Haze; #10 Pat’s Stone Brown/Black; #16 little spanker #16 Pheasant Tail; #16 Pearl Lightning Bug; #18 Red Copper John;#16 Psycho Mayfly Olive; #14 Caddis Pupa; #6 J.J. Special; #4 Smokin’ Mirrors; #4Mr. Creepo #4 McCunnes Sculpin; #4 Mini Loop Sculpin; #6 Lil’ Kim


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